Category Archives: The Business End

A New Westside Farm?

We got a call today from a nice lady who is trying to start another farm in our neighborhood.  I hope that they are successful.  When we started this, Molly and I were both very excited to be a part of patchwork of food growers in the area.  We have always hoped that as we figured out how to be successful farmers in Chicago, we could help other people do the same.

So, if you or anyone you know are thinking about starting a farm, and have questions about what we did, please feel free to call or email us!

We’re Looking for an Intern (or two)!

Hey You!  Tell your friends!  Patchwork Farms is looking for an intern or two!!!!

We would love to find either an intern or two to work a four-hour shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We will not be able to pay the intern with money, but we will give the intern(s) a full CSA share worth of food. 

During the internship, you will work alongside one of the two farmers everyday.  You will help grow vegetables from seed to harvest–working in our greenhouse, in all of our westside gardens, and with our customers.    You will learn about growing plants in an urban setting, running a business, as well as preserving the harvest for the Winter.

Be ready for hard, physical work in every season and weather situation.  Also, be prepared to work on Chicago’s westside with its diverse population of people.

If you are interested, please send an email telling us about yourself, and what you hope to get out of the internship to: